

I remember feeling like absolute shit just thinking about wanting to kiss a boy. My soul will forever be scorched by the continuous teasing that haunts my childhood memories. I hated my reality and used drawing as an escape. I'm incredibly overjoyed making it to a point in my life where that is no longer applicable.

This has been the first series of mine to come from a place of serenity. Living in Miami Beach has centered me in ways I could have never imagined, and Iā€™m elated this series embodies such a wonderful moment in my life.

Before Setup

After Setup

Before Setup

After Setup

I went into Art Gaysel this year with no expectations ā€“ no matter the content. I demanded myself to not put high expectations on love or intimate moments, I wasn't going to beat myself up over sales or not selling at all, I told myself to just be proud of all the work I've made. I couldn't have imagined the outcome of presently focusing my energy on no expectations - it truly made my experience ten times better and opened me up to so many possibilities. So much so that my collage wall sold out. Michael Kaufmann, a curator from Vienna, came through and bought 60 of my collages. Without the help of my best friend, Sam, I wouldn't have been able to close the deal. My brain was spinning from the high of someone wanting to invest in my work - mind you, work that I had just completed - I literally established the aesthetic for these collages less than 2 months before the show. And all of a sudden, I'm selling out. It blew me away, I was floored when trying to decipher what had happened. I'm still running around with my head cut off trying to open a savings account - don't get me started on the fact that it's taken me ten years since opening a checking account to finally have a savings. Burns me up!

My take-away from Gaysel 5 is to never underestimate audience participation. I had no idea how people would react to my work, nor did I anticipate the conversations or the unwinding vibe that I'm able to create. So many people expressed how calming and welcoming my environment was and at the same time still able to adjust or match other energies. Overall, such a freeing experience and will only help me for future fairs/exhibitions.

On top of working my fulltime job during the day and being an artist plus a salesman at night, I had to squeeze in some quality time with my boys. It sucks only seeing them once a year but somehow we always make it work. Honestly, this is the strongest art community I've ever been in and for us to only come together one week of the year, yet still have a consistent bond, means the world to me.